Is your completed manuscript ready for publishing? Are you considering the path of self-publishing? Does your small press require a print-ready file?

Formatting in Word or relying on expensive subsidy services is neither professional nor economical for print books. For authors and independent publishers, I create a professional, print-ready pdf version of your book, tailored to your printer's template, as well as several eBook formats.



The Basic Interior Print Design Includes:

Title pages(s)
Copyright page
Table of contents
About the Author
Additional pages - acknowledgements, other books, etc.
Running headers and page numbers
Properly set gutters, margins, and line spacing
Text properly justified
Up to 20 quotes / bullet lists
Grayscale graphics / photos / logo outside of main body of text. (Images are for interior only - I do not format book exteriors or covers.)

Trim size - 6x9, etc.
Fonts available - Arial, Times New Roman, Bookman Old Style, Cambria, Georgia, Trebuchet MS, or Verdana - other styles available on request
Font sizes - even numbers (10, 12, 14, etc.)

I will correct obvious errors in formatting (extra paragraph returns, tabs, etc.) as they arise. I do not correct spelling, grammar, or other editorial errors. Unusual or special formatting or paragraph styles are taken on a manuscript by manuscript basis.

Content is created from the MS Word file and jpg images you supply. All work completed in Adobe InDesign.

The Process:

- Contact me directly at wolferockATearthlinkDOTnet to discuss your book project.
- Once we have decided on the basic design layout, I will format up to ten pages for free for your approval.
- When satisfied with the format, send me your completed manuscript in a Word file (plus jpg images if applicable) for formatting. Only send a file that is 100% proofed and ready. Any editorial changes requested after manuscript is formatted will be at an additional charge. I am not your editor, I am your book formatter.
- The minimum fee of $60.00 (up to 120,000 words/300 pages/35 chapters) is due before work begins. Additional charges (higher page or chapter counts, heavy-image books, and/or additional challenges) will be assessed when work is complete.
- Turnaround time is 5 - 8 days.
- Once completed, you will receive a secure pdf file for approval. Only cosmetic changes or errors can be made at that time.
- When satisfied with your proof and remaining balance (if any) is paid, you will be sent a printer-ready pdf file of your manuscript. I’m not happy until you’re happy!

All work guaranteed. Printer-related issues will be corrected free of charge.



The Basic eBook Design includes:

Copyright page
Hyperlinked table of contents
Properly set margins and line spacing
Up to 20 quotes / bullet lists
About the author page
Other books page
Limited greyscale images

Formats include ePub, Mobi, and pdf.

I will correct errors in formatting (extra paragraph returns, tabs, etc.) as they arise. I do not correct spelling, grammar, or other editorial errors. Will include a hyperlinked Table of Contents. Unusual or special formatting or paragraph styles are available on a manuscript by manuscript basis.

Content is created from the MS Word file and work completed in Word and InDesign.

The Process:

- Contact me directly at wolferockATearthlinkDOTnet to discuss your book project.
- Once we have decided on the basic design layout, send me your Word file for formatting. Only send a file that is 100% proofed and ready. Any editorial changes requested after manuscript is formatted will be at an additional charge. I am not your editor, I am your book formatter.
- You will receive a sample of the first few pages for approval.
- The minimum fee of $30.00 (up to 100,000 words or 35 chapters) is due before work begins. After that, it is $5 per 10,000 words/10 chapters. Additional charges (including major changes to content) will be assessed when work is complete.
- Turnaround time is 3 - 7 days.
- Once completed and remaining balance (if any) is paid, you will be sent all formats of your manuscript. I’m not happy until you’re happy!

All work guaranteed. Upload related issues will be corrected free of charge.

Make your book stand out - have it professionally formatted today! Contact me to discuss your project.

Print - $60.00
EBook - $30.00
Print and eBook Formatting Combo - $75.00

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Special I - $10.00
Special II - $20.00
Special III - $40.00
Special IV - $50.00
2 posters -$22